When you are lady and you will be 31 years old in a few weeks, you will be think it can be your nightmare. If you are still single and still stay in Indonesia. Many people will be thinks a little negative about you.
But for me, in 11 days I will be 31 years old. I think I can be grow up and maybe this my destiny still single. Because I love to be single for a while until I will find my prince……. Yes, honestly…. I am worry about my future… In this time I am jobless because so difficult to find job so I can of on Saturday and Sunday.
On Monday, I did interview as one kindergarten in Batam Island. They said will be had the second test for method teaching. I wish soon, so I can know the result. I really need work coz I am making my own business is not working as I think.

But in this time, I must think that is blessing because God still give me the time to enjoy life. Although life is not easy like you still kid. But every time you pass it, you will learn something and you made your life so colorful with the happiness, sorrow, cry, smile, hurt, health and sick.
That is making you like human, coz you have feeling it, You’d taste it and you in with many experiences in your life. So, enjoy your life, age just number but the happiness is the point for your life. Making your life so precious with you do it..
11:01 PM
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