Come and leave without sound
You are a man...
Give love and sad in the same time
Man ah man, I don't believe you anymore
Until I meet you, the special man
Who give smile inside and outside
Making my blue day became shine
Man oh man, how lucky I'm
Getting know you everyday
Making smile in my day everday
Man oh man, you make me believe
I'm still deserve to find soulmate
I'm still deserve to be happy
I'm still deserve to rise my dream
Man oh man can you be real
Real in my true love and my life
Real to be my lover forever
Real to touch and see you everyday
And promise never leave me
Man oh man many women there
And you choose me to be yours
Don't ever leave me when I need you
And I will never leave you too....
I'm so happy you to be my man
See your smile make my day colorfull
You have your own style to be lover
And making me love and love you more
Man oh man, I just want you to be my man
Because I'm already fall in love with you
You are the man I desire to be mine
I love you because you have wonderful heart
None of man has heart like you
Trust, lovely and honest in the world
That's my man who I love and need it
And I fall in love with you everyday
I wish you will feel the same
Like I desire and feel it about you
Because you are the man I want
I want spend all my life with you
PS. Mmmm making poem so nice but I don't have talent to make poem uh uh so sad
Tanjungpinang 14-9-2012
00.00 am
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12:39 AM
A very impressive article. Well prepared. Very motivating!! Go off on to facilitate way