Miss Stubborn and her friends, Mr Dizzy, Mr Cheerful and Miss Sunshine already out on circle, they want go to adventure.

Just remind their body same like liliput but more high then liliput. They are so exciting already out from circle. But they also have agrue about the way, they want to go, right, left or straight.

"This is making me headache," said Mr Dizzy, "We want to adventure but why we must agrue with where we must go first."

"Because this is very important for us. This is first time we leave our home and town," said Miss Stubborn.

Mr Cheerful just thinking and he got idea, how if we just go straight because all same.

"Yes that's good," Miss Sunshine agree, "Why we must agrue without result. All same just forest, so just go straight and beggin our adventure."

Miss Stubborn just keep quite and thinking and also Mr Dizzy. He always feel dizzy when making agruement. So, they agreed about this.

They sing a song when walk straight.

This is their song :
Lalalala we are happy
Lalalala we are brave
Lalalala we make our adventure
We are happy, brave and go together

They are really really happy, Miss Sunshine the face so shine because she feel excited. They already walked about 10 minutes and when Mr Cheerful look at back. He look nothing, their village gone.

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