This 47 days for waiting love, still like a year.... mmmmm two days I
was so such damn busy so cant write the story. So, this day I have
time to write a while

When miss Purple read the email and she decided to ignore that. One
day, Miss Purple isnt busy at work. The job from her boss already
finish she do. When the launch, she decided to sent the message by

Ppl1 : Hi Mr Red, I am purple

she is waiting for a few minutes but no answer. So she sign out. Then
back to daily activity. Until dinner time, she got message for the
stranger again.

Red1: Hi I am Red, Nice to meet you

She just read without answer and continue to eat the meal. After that,
reading a new novel she buy from book store about "Female Under
Cover." The story more complicated and she doesnt like to read it, coz
to much the difficult meaning in the sentences of the book. So she
decided to reply.

Ppl1 : hi too, nice to meet you
Red1 : Hi, finally you are reply
Ppl1: Yes I am a little busy, what are you doing?
Red1: Just prepare to sleep
Ppl1 : What is time there
Red1 : 11 pm and there?
Ppl1: 7 pm, we talk tomorrow coz in your country already midnight
Red1: that is o.k. What are you doing?
ppl1: Just finish reading book and now just lay down for relax.
Red1 : I see, we have different 4 hours
Ppl1 : Yes where are you from? I am from nice island here.
Red1: i am from wonderful island with the wonderful sea for surfing
Ppl1: Nice, I cant surf but I love to watch the surf movie like blue ocean
Red1 : The girl and surfing stuff?
Ppl1: yes. I must go, my roommate want to ask me to go dinner out
Red1: O.K, we talk tomorrow.
Ppl1 : :) yes why not. I like to make a friend

In Red place, he is smiling after talking with the girl there.

"Who is that?" ask purple roommate
"New friend, so we go to dinner? I already eat I just company you."
"Ok," said the purple friend.

They go to ayam penyet (chicken with spicy traditional). They talk and
shared about the job in office.

To be Continue

*Keep Smile and Spirit*

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