Many people just said I want to be ....... but it just words, never be
real. That is why I said. Stop talking and Do action!!!!

If you want to be writer, of course you must do action and not just
talking about your dream!! How to be writer? Mmmmm difficult

questions! Of course you must start to writing story.

Many friends ask me "How You get the idea to write story on blog or
your "project" novel? Reading and sensitive with the issue in your
area. A little information you can make it to be fiction in your

How about the rule of writing? Honestly I never make the rule of
writing. It is like art!!! Many painter never same to paint or draw
the picture. Maybe some painter make rabbit from the ears or eyes but
the result are same to be rabbit. So writing also same.

The first to make story, the figures, setting and plot. After that,
you can let your imagination grow and you will surprise in the end,
"Ah I can finish it". But before you sent to publisher, you must read
it first, make sure you don't get mistake spelling and so on.

So Stop Talking and Do Action

*Keep Smile and Spirit*

Jadilah orang pertama yang berkomentar!

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