Ah, maybe my readers didn't know, what is Kartini Day in Indonesia..... President Sukarno of Indonesia issued Presidential Decree No.108 of 1964, dated May 2, 1964, which set a National Hero Kartini as well as set the birthday of Kartini, April 21, to be observed every year as the big day that became known as the Day of Kartini.
Because of Kartini, the Indonesia Woman hero who fight to allow women get education. She was one of Indonesian woman hero.... Because of her, no have different gender between men and women..... So every 21 April in Indonesia we always get celebrate it. To remain us about Kartini Fight.
The problem is I just have 3 traditional semi moderen Indonesia dress lol :p poor me... but no problem, Tomorrow I want to try to make over myself and will look so different then every saturday i go to church lol
8:16 AM
Jadilah orang pertama yang berkomentar!
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