What do you think about your life? Is your life beautiful like you
imagine? What kind of happiness in your opinion? Have a lot of money
and no need to work, is that life you want it? I think life is not
like what i imagine. Life is up and down. That is making me more
stronger than I can imagine. Even when my life in the position down,
like this time. I am in the big city and don't know the way in here.
But I feel, I can survive and I can do what i wanna do to make my life
up. Is easy? No, it is not like you just talk with a minute. But that
is need time, take the time to better life.
People notice i am always happy even sometimes is not true, sometimes
i am crying in the night and think. Where is my passion gone! Why i
dont have imagine for making stories. Ah this year i pass for the
contest of writing one of national magazine. Even I just ever sent the
stories one time for the contest and I did not win because the short
story for the women i never follow. I am still keep trying to make a
good story ah many stories for any level. Maybe to much figures or
dialog for the short story. Making short story is more difficult to
make long story, that is what i am thinking about. Because of the
limid pages just 8 pages and cant more or less that page. So this is
time I will try to make short stories and update to my lovely diary.
But of course in Indonesia langague. So, for the loyal readers from
the oversea, whatever you are. I am sorry but if you wanna know the
story i will give you little translate hehehe. My English is not good
enough. I bet I have many incorrect grammar and also vocabularies.
Even like that I am so confidence write some thinking in an English
hehehe because I know my best friend, "my Grandfather" will read some
of them (articles) when they have time. Okay, back to topic. How to be
happy in your life even that is so difficult. Some people
(friends,red) notice me I am look so young in my ages now, up 30 years
old lol; I am always happy and they always ask what is my secret? Do I
have secret for the happiness?
It is so simple even sometimes so hard too. My secret is be yourself!
Why we should be ourself in every time. Because we don't need to
pretended to be others people. I said what I know, if you pretended to
be other people like you imagine when you meet your friends or
stranger people in the street. You will be stresful because you will
be afraid you already make something mistake or you will be afraid if
people notice you are such a liar.
Being yourself making you feel freedom and more confidence. Make sure
yourself that is okay when in this time you are not success, you are
jobless and try to get good job with a good salary. You don't need to
be lie with something. Life will be move on. You will never in down
everytime. You will back to be what you deserve to be. Then, try to
grow good character. I know I am not perfect and sometimes I also
stubborn, childish but that is yourself. Like what I said, making your
good character grow that will make you wise all the time. For example,
you are smart, so making your smart to be good. Like helping people
who need your help.
Like me, I always hear people problem in there life. Even I seldom
tell them my problems. That is making me learn how to be good friends
for them. I give them good advice, and learn from their problems.
Because of this blog and also hal-wanita blog, many readers think I am
a doctor or seller or many occupations. Even I am not psychiatrist but
I always hear what is their problem and try to find the good way out.
Thanks for the blogger making me have many value experiences.
Then smiling. Yea this is so difficult to get in the big city with the
motto time is money. Yea I realise this motto in here, Jakarta. Most
of people i find never smile each other. So, when I see people without
notice. I give them smile then some will give smile back.
Citra Pandiangan
mobile +6281372019454
YM citra29111*
*Keep Smile and Spirit*
8:52 AM
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