So I decided to used the expensive direction. That's simple just used the busway to WTC Mall then used suttle bus on that and ask the driver to drop in SMS Mall. Every one in one way just spend 23500 IDR. The cheaper direction just need spend money 7500 IDR. But the route so complicated must change many times busway, long journey with many times waiting bus and stand up.
For the first direction we just seat and seat without waiting to long coz the bus already have schedule when will go. It same like life! Which one you want to choose?
God already give His son to make us free from sin! But sometimes we never allow God to make it free from sin salves. He already pay expensive to make our soul free.
In WTC I looked a book with title is like "Why God save us, sent His son if He can save us from heaven"
That's silly question or title or the author don't believe God. Why He sent his son? That's have big mystery in there. From the beging, God throw Adam and Eve from Firdaus because they made sin. Why God isn't give them forgiveness when they make sin and didn't throw them in world.
Plus the good opinion about it, God save us not from heaven. Because people always think different from God thinks. God sent His son and He want the son being human and leave His glory to come to earth and get sorrow because that's our sin and God assume our sin.
Mmm next time will explain. I'm not smart to explain Bible but I love to read bible and English isn't my language coz I seldom used english ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ... :D ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ :D
Everyone deserve to get best style
God bless us
8:21 AM
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