"Sister, let's fasting tomorrow. I want fasting for you. So you can get job soon, the job you desire want it."
Wow so sweet, she wants fasting for me! Then I told to her, yes why not. I also will fasting for you. For your relationship with your boyfriend till get marriage soon.
That's our secret ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ... :D ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ :D I'm kidding, that's not secret :p if secret, I will not put on my online journal ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ... :D ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ :D
The point is she's a nice person and care about me so badly. I'm so glad have friend like her. That's so damn graceful. • · ♥·♡ τнäиκ чöü ♥·♡. God, You give me friends who caring me and always remind me to keep spirit on bad and happy stituation :)
So this time I'm fasting 24 hours. Start 06.30 pm - 06-30 pm because I was late to buy food for fasting. To crowded in the food store ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ... :D ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ :D
I wish I can be finish to fasting on Monday. Ah Eka is different religion with me. She's mouslem and I'm christian. But the religion isn't be the bad thing to make friendship :) do you have different religion with your friends? How's your feeling and your friendship?
Everyone deserve to get best style
God bless us
6:53 AM
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