Last night I was so damn hungry. When I looked the time already 9 pm. But I decided to cook small portion noodle.

I was eating it with little rice. Cheecky me, after eating that. I can't sleep until 12.00 am (midnight) maybe more. Before trying to sleep, I just open laptop and look old pictures or moved some important data to flasdisk. My sister gave me 8 gb flashdisk in the package she gave to me from his friend bring to Indonesia.

I know well, eating up 7 pm isn't good because will make you weight up. But I don't know eat night can make you can't sleep well. Why? This is some articles I read and I make conclusion :)

Why you should not eat before sleep?

• Eating too much food, especially carbohydrates, late at night increases your body fat stores
• Eating high-glycemic carbs (pasta, potatoes, white rice, sugar, etc.) right before bed will spike your insulin levels and blunt nighttime Human Growth Hormone (HGH) production.
• That's very bad because about 80% of this fat-burning, muscle-building "super hormone" is released during sleep.
• If you fast for 11 hours (8 PM to 7 am for instance) your body will begin burning significant amounts of fat around the 5th hour (1 am) and continue to do so until you wake up.

Maybe we always ask quetions about this:

Question: Is it true I shouldn't eat one hour before bed?

Answer: To be honest, there is no hard and fast rule about the latest time you should eat before going to bed . It's perfectly fine to eat a piece of fruit or drink a glass of soy milk an hour, even 30 minutes, before going to bed. A small snack that is low in fat is digested relatively quickly – usually within an hour – on an empty stomach.

(However, if you've eaten a large meal within an hour or two of going to bed, your snack won't be digested quickly because your body is still working to digest your dinner.)

there are a few reasons why it's wise
not to eat close to bed time. Even though there isn't scientific evidence to show that eating late makes it more difficult to control weight, I do advise my clients to try to finish theirevening meal by 8:00 p.m. Doing so helps them feel less bloated the next morning and sleep more soundly.

Plus your appetite in the morning. If you eat a meal or too many snacks too close to bed time, you'll be less likely to wake up with an appetite for breakfast, the meal that revs up your metabolism for the day. In fact, I've worked with a number of clients who said they routinely skipped breakfast because they weren't hungry; eating later in the evening resulted in walking up feeling full.

Here are a few simple tips to make
sure you get the most from your
last meal of the day:

• Eat about 3 hours before going to bed - you'll have some time to burn off calories but you probably won't get too hungry before going to sleep

• Eat frequently throughout the day - small, healthy meals and snacks spaced about 3 hours apart - to minimize hunger cravings at night

• Your last meal should consist mainly of a lean protein (like baked chicken breast) and low-calorie, fibrous carbohydrates (veggies and fruits) - avoid all starchy carbs close to bedtime (breads, pastas, rice, potatoes, etc.)

• If, like many of us, you get big-time carb cravings right before some carbs! Just make sure they're the high-fiber, low-glycemic kind: apples, berries, peaches, plums, bran cereal, fresh vegetables, vegetable juice, etc.

• If you're currently strength training to build muscle, a great end-of-the-day meal option is low-fat cottage cheese (full of slowly-digested casein protein) with no-sugar-added fresh or canned fruit.

(Many resouce : the globe and mail, guide, yahoo answer, healthy, etc)

Everyone deserve to get best style

God bless us

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