So, he just seat and look on the ground. What should I do, Tom was thinking. He's yelling his friend and hope one of them will hear his voice. But nothing happened.
Hiks hiks, Tom is start crying. Tom is so scare in the wood. Then he heard the voice, making he can't run and the foot become stiff.
Tom is hearing something voice behind the tree. Then he said to hiself. "Nothing happened, I'm good boy and I'm not afraid anything."
When he looks in the tree, he found something wonderful. The group of rabbits eating the graces behind the tree.
Tom is watching the group of rabbit with the happy feeling. But the ear of Tom hearing something like zezzzz zessss. Tom is searching around but he doesn't look anything different. The voice of zezzz zesss is so clear, Tom is confused, because he never hears the voice like that.
Tom is thinking, that's maybe fly but the round so clear. Then he's thinking maybe that's sound of bee. So he's searching in up tree but he's not find any house of bees. Tom is so suprise when he looks the group of rabbit in the middle of something flying around them.
Tom is wonder, what's the animal around the rabbit. When he walk slowly without sound because he doesn't want the rabbits run when hear it. He's so suprise because the zezzz voice more clear and hard there.
He fall down because he's shock. He found fairies who playing with the happiness in group of rabbits. When they realise, a human around them, the rabbits run so fast, hump hump the sound of rabbits when jump. The fairies also gone but one of them isn't run. Because he is sleeping in the rock.
Hops, Tom catch the sleeping fairy. When Tom catch him, making the fairy wake up and shock. "Don't hurt me," the fairy said.
Tom said, he never hurt him. "Can you help me? I'm lost."
The fairy looks Tom with the sorry face. "What do you want from me?"
"I want back to my friends, I know I'm naughty and always broke the role. But now I realise I'm wrong and I got lost," telling Tom to the fairy.
Fairy is thinking how to help Tom. Then they become friend and make their adventure to find Tom friends.
*to be continue
The story just made today and this time. When the writer hiding in the blanket alone in her room in Jakarta ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ... :D ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ :D
Everyone deserve to get best style
God bless us
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