Good morning my readers, I do know I never update my morning worship since 2 months ago. Maybe I won't shared the blessing I got or just lazy to write it.

A few days ago till today morning worship talking about forgiveness and also pray plus who's good person in God eyes. Sometimes we are thinking we are good person, we do the best for our life. But sometimes we are forget to say to people who's hurt us so badly with I forgive you whatever it is hard and deep hurt, I do forgive you.

Do you remember story about Jesus when He will get cross. He said I forgive you all because you don't know what you are doing. How come! He forgiveness people who cross Him, hurth Him so badly and making Him dead in calvary.

In human mind, that's suck! But God said forgiveness is people who want to follow Him. Pray for them who blame you, make you hurt and sad. Don't ever think about revenge just think about forgiveness.

Pray is simple do but that's making your spirit strong.

Everyone deserve to get best style

God bless us :)
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