#18 Days before birthday

Everybody is afraid to be old, including me! I know almost 33 years old! What I already done? What I already have in the world? I have nothing.

I moved to Jakarta, big city in part of Indonesia. Try to find lucky and always find "disapointed" because many offer jobs just want employee below 28 years old.

I'm not young anymore, people know that especially my mum and dad always remind me it everytime I call them to find one good man to make my own happy family.

I'm not smart but that's also the point for get jobs. But I'm hard-worker, focus to the project, never give up! Well, when give up, I will try to find something to make me spirit and strong again.

Rich for financial. Like I say I'm not young, smart either rich! I have nothing as long as I'm working in hole my life. After graduating from economic high school, I decided to find work till I worked in my sister friend small company. Till this time, my financial isn't big enough to buy house, car or anything. But one thing I find something change me in here. In big city, Jakarta!

Everyone deserve to get best style

God bless us :)

Jadilah orang pertama yang berkomentar!

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