I never in Terminal C at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Indonesia. I usually in airport Terminal B. Because I used transportation public, I go to airport from Gambir Station around 04.30 PM and I arrived in airport around 5.30 PM. So I should waiting long time before take off to Bali. There is so many people who want to flight to Bali, Surabaya and some town in Indonesia by Airasia. In that terminal the dominant airport is Airasia dan flight to Bali to other destination Bali in Terminal 3.
I am so exciting in that time, even I am also confused because the custom so different and I should pay custom Soekarno-Hatta airport to Ngurah Rai Denpasar Bali is 40.000 IDR per person. As usually in the night, some friends already warning me, if flight at night will be late as always. Tralalalala they are right. The flight late around 15 minutes. I arrive in Bali about 11.50 PM.
When I look around airport before going to Ubud in midnight, I think I change my mind not to sleep in airport. Because there still have Blue Bird taxi. SO I decided to go to Ubud, but the price so amazing expensive in the night. In the list said just 250.000 IDR but I should pay for taxi around 350.000 IDR so damn expensive then usual.
Because in the night, eh midnight the traffic is not so crowded as like as in the morning. So just need one hour, usually need more than two hours if so many cars in the street. Lucky me, the home stay is not so far from the mind road. So, here I am in one of home stay in Ubud. Because I am afraid to search my friend room in the midnight so I decided just waiting in the terrace. So I am waiting there, honestly that is so scary and I am trying to not attention anything sound in around that place. Yea just in case if something I won't it happened to me. The dog sound and also anything, step feet but none of them I cant see just hear. Making me feel I am on trouble hahahaa.
But lucky me the owner home stay wake up early and Pak Wayan help me to visit my friend room. So tralalalal here I am in Ubud in the midnight time. Although so survive arrive in Bali in the midnight after long time I never visit Bali again after resign from job. What am I feel? So exciting and nice of course. I can't explain what am feeling about that.
10:14 AM
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