So deep and amazing eyes I ever see
I can see myself in that eyes
The eyes which make my days wonder
The eyes that making me can't sleep
The owner eyes who make me smile
The way the eyes look at me make me shy
Don't make me melt with that eyes
Because I won't get into the trap of the eyes
Don't look at my eyes with that way
It will come in my mind every time
You know how to make magic with the eyes
You know the way to make someone melt

Make me get trap to miss that eyes
Ah when I close my eyes, The eyes come
The deep and clean color make me miss it
I just want to remove The eyes from my mind
But the spell to strong can't me to remove it
The eyes so wonderful and amazing
I do intro trap when see your eyes
You know how to make me on trouble
Just look your deep eyes I do on trouble
I am always thirsty to see that eyes
The eyes who make me smile every day
The eyes who make me melt when see it
The deep and honest the eyes you show me
Jakarta, 18 October 2014, 6.00 AM
6:58 AM
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