Dear God,
Thank You my Father in heaven. You never leave me alone, whatever my condition and my faith with You. You never let me down to far and deep. You remove away my nights tears and You change it become wonderful day. I never expected the bad life in my life but sometimes life so difficult to understand. Because I never know what happened with my future and dream.
Dear God, I still speechless. I can't speak because I am to happy and it is like dream. I still can't believe it too. One by one You make my dream become true even I am not realize it. Like my first book, Simpul Terujung Novel. Even it is not success because just indie novel but some people who already read it said and always give me support to make the new books.
Dear God, I don't know my talents but whatever my talents You gave it to me. I should say Thank You Lord. You are amazing Lord for me. Whatever my life up and down, whatever my happiness I am and The sadness my life, You never leave me alone. You make miracle in my life with Your away. Many pains in my life You change become wonderful life. My worries life, You change to be straight. My weakness life, You change to be words, making me freedom to write anything in the sadness and happiness I am, writing making me freedom to explore my days, my words and my life.
Dear God, this month is like roller coaster for me but see, everything will be wonderful in time. The blue

feeling gone without imprint. Tears just for the happiness season. I wish 2015 will be wonderful life in my life. But Keep me straight and give me Your words to finish my project about Christian books. Used my talents to tell how lucky I am to be Your son.
Whatever the sadness, the darkness, The problems You never leave me alone. I always find solution in every problems in my life, because Your hands with me, your angel is my guardian who keep me safe from the risk. This time, I am praying for You to say Thank You Lord. Thank You to make me feel so blessing this time, Thank You to keep me never give up and always positive thinking in my life. Whatever people think about me, I don't care as long as I am walking in Your way.
You are my Lord and You are my Father, I am so happy whatever my journey life in front. I am not afraid, because You always be there. and Thank You for sent me angel to make this dream come true, without You that is impossible.
Dear God, I know some people don't believe You. I can't blame them, because they still not find You in their soul. I am so happy to God, next month. My sister fiance will be come and learn about You and then They will be marriage in church on March.My parents so happy to know this. I am more happy because my sister deserve to be happy and making her own family and then I also will become aunty from my brother's wife will gave birth on December too. So my dream also will be start on December too. December will be wonderful month in my family, Pandiangan's family.
Dear God, in the happiness moment, I remember my grandfa who already pass away a several years ago. He always said to me in the terrace every evening time when we seat together to waiting the dark come. Whatever my dreams (to be writer, and xxxxxxxx (censor)) will be come true. He is right, finally. I am so proud to my grandfather who always support my dream when I was kid when my mum always said I am dreamer since kids.
I know this is still long journey still many steps stairs I should walks but when I am tired in the middle, You never leave me alone. I will making my dream really become true whatever it is difficult, whatever the challenge in fronts, whatever rocks will make my walk difficult, I should never give up. I should keep believe it, after raining will be having wonderful rainbow. Although not every raining will having rainbow but one day the rainbow will be shown in the sky. That is mean whatever my life brings to be the darkness, the sadness, the depression, the stressful, it will just steps ways to make me strong and smart and wise to know, to learning what is completes life, including that.
Can I imagine if my life just in one way, just for the happiness side only or the sadness only. Of course I
will not feel so blessing I am, I will not feel the lucky I am, I am not feel how is life to be without You. This is what I feel and What I am thinking. Everything life comes to me they have something hiding to make my strong and stronger everyday. No worries about the simple life because the complicated life always there with many result and solution to find way.
Dear God, I wish 2015 my small business also will be more better and better. Just give change to make it good. Thank You for making my dream come true even it still long journey to make this book become real. But You know, what I wanna be, right.
7:01 AM
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