We never Know the Future and We just hope everything always fine and happiness but....
We never can stop time which
always change every time, every second, minute, hour, day, week, month and also
year. But we can remind what we do in the past and bring the new in the
future. If every body know the future,
that is lucky one but every body know about their past. Almost 99 persen people
in the world hope they will have good life in the future and forget about the
I just realize, sometimes every
new year I make evaluation about what the year end and what I want in the new
year, including my ambition and so on to remind me and make me spirit to rise
something in last year to be real in the next year. Almost a few years I don’t
do that because little busy and also no good network sometimes to writing on my
In this year (2014) I lived in
Jakarta and have good job, although I don’t like get permanent job. I just
change jobs because I just took the temporary contract. It was like 6 months
contract and so on. I do every try in some companies there, small and also large.
I got good salary although that was not much but better if I compare with my
roommate. I was lucky in that year. I also got new friends and feeling so like
in ‘heaven’. But make that feeling just
temporary only, but that is life. Sometimes up and down. The most the lucky, I
spent more than a month to travel in some place in East Java, Bali and Lombok.
That was so amazing and I feel so lucky in this year.
I will never forget this year.
Something Happpened on 2015
How about last year on 2015? I
can say this was bad year happened in my life. I really don’t like to remind
it. I got a good job but I rejected because the contract was not into me to do
that. Many good job this year offer to me but I was trouble in the contract and
I just focus to writing something about my experience on traveling. I did
finish it but …… I won’t shared that here :p you can’t guess it I guess or I
hope lol. On June, I got bad news. Papa was passed away and I got confused,
should I go home or not. The last minute I should go home and come in
Tanjungpinang and I got stuck in this small city!

Every night I was crying, why papa
leave me alone. No one can support me again, no one can hear my problem! I can’t
talk with mum because already a few years we always different option and I don’t
like to make argument about all stuff with mum.
On 2015 I also spend a lot of days
in December of course for baking and no time for me to writing or relaxing, but
I was happy either because I can experience some recipes. I wish sooner I can
shared in here for free, no sell for ebook lol. Ah, I also never joint contest
writing (online writing) and I got the runner up in the second position. I wish
will better in the future.

Welcome 2016
What I want to do in this year?
My list on this year
1. Never stop to writing many
2. Learn how to draw cartoon to
make my own ilustration children book
3. Being something special on summer
4. Keep learning English
5. Still never give up to llearn
Dutch (altough in 2015 after papa pass a way I never learn it no more)
6. Never give up make experiment
in the kitchen
7. Read the Bible (because after papa pass
away I rarely read Bible, actually my papa never stop read Bible every day. He
always reminds me to pray and read Bible to more close to God).
8. I should diet and keep health always
9. Be more patient to mum
10. Find temporary project or get
a lot of projects (If you wonder why I won’t get permanent job because ……………… I
am sorry I told you dear loyal reader friends on diary citra I can’t shared you
here, until it being real and I hope sooner on summer).
Finally this year come and change
the bad year in my life. I also don’t know what my future will bring to me. Because
I am still not the lucky one who know the future! I just wish this year will
better then all the past years. I wish this year my dream (real dream) will be
come true sooner. Thanks to be my loyal readers, altough I know seldom to make
comment on blogs but the visitor every days and weeks always get high and high.
Altough it just my journal personal and some was not important to read. Because
I am one of support go green. No much papers to use it if having free blog. Actually
in this time, I also want to say Thank You to Blogger which never stop to make
this free. Goodluck and success always for all you, special to people who love
to visit my blogs. God bless you all and I. Let’s shining altough has storm in
around us
I never be old
to read book
Read Books make
me young
I love read
many books
It make me know
5:01 PM
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