When I feel
I give up then I rethink about what should I do and what I want in this life!!!
Then, I get spirit to find it again, my desire which already lost. I never
blame anybody when my life get messy, I just blame myself, then I realize, that
is normal getting down in alive but more special when get spirit to keep
fighting. Don’t think it easy to fighting because I should “fighting” myself
and that is heavy and sometimes I lost!!!
Dear diary,
when I lost and being a “loser” then I felt dark in my night life. I think
again, what is making me happy and how I can feel better? Then I do understand,
I should write something to make me feel better. Then I am writing to make my
mind get positive mind set. I love being myself, I love my principle my life “NEVER
GIVE UP” I know it is not easy to do but easy to write. But, I believe what is
your mind is your character and that is the way you can find out from the messy
life inside your MIND, THINK and heart.
Dear diary,
life is never easy but BeliEve it and DO IT!! Whatever it come to you. If your
life is like snail, slow and no hope about it. But, slow and make sure with
positive thinking and spirit to make it get fast and better. One day, coming
soon your happiness around you.

Dear diary,
even sometimes I said, mum, sometimes I doubt the God power, then I rethink
about 30+ life I do passed year by year then I realize, God powers so amazing
and it work in the right time. Even I don’t like the pastor in my church which
he service is not good because the pastor right now so damn different when I
was kid, but I don’t care about their position as pastor because they just
human and just most of pastors in this time just thinking about MONEY and same
like the world. I seldom found the pastor who service the members of church
with good behave manner, pray to them happiness and make the members more
strong when they feel weakness. The most I know, they just give bad words, I
hate it and I don’t need pastor like that! Then I remember, I have GOD, I don’t
need people, including pastor to help me find peace when I feel so damn hopleesss.....
Maybe because
I miss papa, maybe because I still not believe it! My mind get mess and also I
decided my life and it get worse! Then I realize, Don’t worry about tomorrow
Then I
realize, a year I never read Bible, a year I never pray from the bottom of my
hear, a year I seldom go to church, a year I feel empty inside my heart, a year
I feel guilty about my decision, a year.............. many things in my mind
then I rethink. I never get the time back, then I think I always feel like this
before July come. Because I am afraid my age get one add. The most I am afraid
in this world I am getting old hahahaha. I am not ready yet. But when it pass,
I rethink I am thanks to beautiful life already come to my life. Dear diary, I
know it is like silly words to shared, but I know, it just for myself. Because I
know, I am always getting sensitive before my birthday come. Worry to much get
old hahahaha. But, we never stop the time to come, i just believe it and do it
and try being best.
9:57 PM
Hem... menjadi tua itu harus ya Mbak, aku jadi mikir juga. Emang hidup itu penuh misteri .. salam semangat Mbak :)
BalasHapushuhuhuhu benar sekali mbak, selalu saja setiap tahun seperti ini.. selalu saja takut tapi setelah berlalu baru deh aku semangat kembali