But I
always has solutions in everything
I has magic words to make it better
The words
which always works
I can say
everything will be better
Because I
believe a magic in my life
Magic you never
get lose in your way
The words
which make you stronger...
Magic words
in my life which make me good
The words
which has wonderful power in mind
Believe it
in magic words and it works in life
Never give
up and pray to God are my magic words
That is
making me feel stronger in my weakness
Words which
make me feel hope when I feel nothing
Magic words
which make me feel life so precious
I believe
it and I do it as the way I am in my life
I know that
is not easy to do in hard time
But it
always works when I don’t have hope
Because God
is the power of problems in world
I do
believe it and I pray for the positive mind
Then I find
the magic words which help my life
Pray is
making me close to the God and it good
Finally I
always find the way to out this cases
While I
believe it and I feel happy as the way I am
NOTE: Whatever problems come to you, You have magic words too, all is depend on you, what do you think, what will you do and what make you strong. Nobody in this world never get trouble in their life, maybe they had been hard problems then yours, but when you saw them about how they can survive then you feel jealous. Don't be because you also can do like them if you think you can do and believe in magic words, PRAY, DO and NEVER GIVE UP

NOTE: Whatever problems come to you, You have magic words too, all is depend on you, what do you think, what will you do and what make you strong. Nobody in this world never get trouble in their life, maybe they had been hard problems then yours, but when you saw them about how they can survive then you feel jealous. Don't be because you also can do like them if you think you can do and believe in magic words, PRAY, DO and NEVER GIVE UP
10:00 AM
key word nya pray ya Mbak :) apik :)
BalasHapusyoi mbak, kadang2 kita berdoa hanya sekedar kewajiban bukan lagi kebutuhan. Ini yang harus diubah pola pandang hihihi.... selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa dan tetap keep writing mbak