

Every body have different way to get relax....  1. Listening Music, slow music 2. Go to the libary …
Hangout with Friends

Hangout with Friends

Enjoying life is often thought to be a mindset, the result of reflection, action and gratitude. A…
Hangout with Friend

Hangout with Friend

Long time, I never hang out with my friend, Merry. So on weekend we went out to the pizza hut and s…
Bali, I miss You...

Bali, I miss You...

Wish one day I can go to Bali again...... Go alone sometimes is nice, but I don't want go a lo…
Dance with The Death

Dance with The Death

Are you afraid with the death? Are you afraid when you are death? Do you ever watch the movie and …
To Much Ices

To Much Ices

Hot weather, almost 2 weeks here never raining. So, I always drink cold water or just eat the ice …


Siapa yang tidak suka dengan donat kentang..... tentu saja semua suka. Pagi ini, aku sarapan denga…
Tuhan, Aku Lelah

Tuhan, Aku Lelah

Hidup ini kian hari kian keras Tuhan, Aku lelah!!!!!!!!!!!! Adakah jalan tuk aku bertahan Bertahan …
Trying to be Strong

Trying to be Strong

Sometimes being human, we can feel so weak, so nothing happened in life. No hope (hopeless) when th…