Good morning readers, yea I want to make my small business and i am searching nice name for my shop…
My Favorite Ways to Lose Belly fat No White Carbohydrates: One of the best ways to lose belly fat an…
TIME sp fast and I really wanna back to Yogyakarta. The nice city and i never feel sorry I ever got…
3 weeks in nice island has bad weather, hot weather and never rain! Can you imagine, yes very hot!…
Komplait sudah, mati lampu plus digigitin nyamuk. Padahal mau menyelesaikan baju
The weather so hot but I can't eat ice cream. Ggrrr is like go to the hell hahaha because ice c…
Today I wake up with the sore throat and weak body. Because I'm not well. My body so unhealthy…
Ups, I never imagine for making my small business still need research for many shop online plus the…
Someone told me don't be afraid on July. Ok July is my birthday month. The first July always m…
Morning time, just wake up from the beauty sleeping and hearing song life is beautiful from sountr…